Sunday, September 20, 2009

his joy comes with the morning.

i wish there was a way to truly capture how beautiful it has been in addis this weekend and share it with you all. the sun has been shining so brilliantly, the skies so blue, & the colorful birds are singing such beautiful songs. this week has been so much fun. with the gorgeous weather, comes lots of fun outside during the school day. me & my kids have had a blast this week and have really grown together as a class. i am continually building relationships within the community and feel so blessed to be able to share in the lives of these people. tomorrow we have the day off of school so a group of us are going up to the mountains for a picnic & a hike :)

this morning at church, we talked about what it means to be in the presence of God and in 2 Samuel, when David was carrying the Arc of the Covenant into the city, and he stopped and just began to worship because it really hit him how very blessed he was, and he became undignified before the Lord... so this morning, we had an awesome celebration, it was incredible. i am so very blessed to be here. my heart is bursting with joy. i have the silliest grin on my face. what a mighty God we serve.

things you can pray for...
-today marked the end of Ramadan, join me in praying over the muslim community here in Addis, that their eyes would be opened to the truth & love of Christ.
-pray over my tutoring as i am learning amharic, so that i can better communicate here in Addis
-pray for my 30 beautiful children, & our bible time each day, that it would be a time where the love of God & the truth of his word become real to them.

igzee-abhair yimesgen.
(praise God!)


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