Sunday, February 8, 2009

6 months.

so this week is 6 months & counting until i leave for Addis. its crazy how quickly time is flying by me. my senior year has been so incredible. i am so blessed, & have had the most amazing college experience. the Lord has continued to be faithful throughout my fundraising. a few weeks ago, i was feeling pretty discouraged about the amount of support coming in. i was receiving support, but definitely not as quickly as i had imagined. feeling overwhelmed and trying to balance everything, with internship, school, acf, friends, & family. so i gathered my prayer team i've assembled here in auburn & shared my heart with them & asked for prayer. & wow, what a powerful tool the Lord has given us. days later, the support began pouring in & the Lord flooded my heart with peace, reassurance & encouragement. 
things are going great & my heart is so full of joy and excitement. 
6 months.
-- 6 more months to enjoy this beautiful city, spend time with my amazing friends & soak up the ending of my college career.
-- 6 months until i take the biggest leap of my life & jump into the lives of some beautiful people & share some of this love i am so overwhelmingly blessed with.

thank you for all the prayers.
keep em' coming.