Saturday, February 13, 2010

well, its not snowing in ethiopia...

while the weather has been quite unusual the past week, still no snow yet to be seen on the ethiopian forecast. its been a cloudy week, and i'm quite ready for the sun to reveal itself once again. regardless of the ugly weather, the Lord's faithfulness continues and life in ethiopia is good.

i've been having a really wonderful time with the kids as always, soaking up every precious moment of laughter and fun.

had the awesome experience of going to my first habasha wedding, two sweet friends from bingham got married last weekend, what an experience. great energy. and a beautiful bride.

this week, me and two friends from bingham started teaching english at a local ethiopian school. we will be doing some lessons with them one day a week, after school. our first lesson went so well and it was so great to get to spend the afternoon getting to know the kids a little, they are all really excited to strengthen their english. you can definitely pray over this time, that we can really build relationships with these kids and the Lord would be glorified, and that they would see Him in us.

things are busy. and i'm pretty exhausted. but the Lord never ceases to provide.
so thankful that the Lord has given me the privilege of being in this beautiful country amongst these beautiful people.
i am so full of joy.

lots of ethiopian love, from this girl.
happy valentine's day.

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