Monday, October 5, 2009

just keepin it real & completing my ethiopian experience.

let me just start by saying it was a really great week. it flew by, its hard to believe its already october and that i've been here for 8 weeks already.

this weekend has been, well.. not what i expected. I had lots of big fun plans that i so wish i could be telling you about, but unfortunately i've been very sick this weekend. saturday i ended up having to go to the hospital to have some tests run, which revealed, i am NOT, in fact, dying (as i may have thought). i have had three amazing friends (kat, dave, and vicky) at my side throughout the entire weekend taking care of me and a steady stream of visitors and phone calls. i am so blessed. it is hard to be here, a million miles from home, and feel so horrible. but i have felt so loved and encouraged. hopefully in the next couple of days i'll be back to normal... just completing the ethiopian experience, i mean what fun would it be if i didn't end up at the hospital at some point during my time here.

its funny, because on friday in my quiet time i was reading about how the mountain tops are measured by the valleys. and here i am, been having this mountain top experience, everyday in awe of God's faithfulness, so full of joy and having such an amazing time. but sometimes we need these valleys to remind us of our desperate need for the Lord. and to show us his unbelievable strength and faithfulness.

pray for continued strengthening of health, spirit, & energy so that i can quickly get back to my kids & just feel better.


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